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Journeyman Week 9

Since I was offered a full-time job as a level designer, I decided to take it to improve my CV and finally push myself out of QA and into the world of Design. As a result of this, I now have a dramatically reduced time to contribute to the project.

As a result, I've planned to ensure I take my breaks strategically to continue working effectively as a producer by holding SCRUMs and attending the Technical Sessions. I have the master vision for the project, and know what steps and tasks need to be taken by the team to get to where we need to be by the end of the module. If I cannot make the sessions, I've always got a list of items/tasks which need to be reviewed in each SCRUM, which can be picked up by another member in my absence.

Returning from Easter, I realised many of the tasks that other team members claimed would be done over Easter simply were not. Some students stopped attending meetings after the Easter break, and some simply stopped working on the project. As a result, we were left with a number of tasks incomplete, which set our timeline back by around two weeks - and we only had three weeks left.

This week, as all of my possible work was complete, I took the time to catch up with every team member and see how best to utilise their time in the coming weeks. I was able to direct focus to the most important tasks, and create smaller groups of 1-2 working on specific tasks.

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